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40 under 40-Enjoy & Savor the moment-Cocktails for the Occasion

The Fayetteville Observer 40 under 40 is a huge deal here. It recognizes the top 40 individuals under 40 years old who are business leaders and outstanding citizens in their community. The awards ceremony is filled with loved ones and close friends, all gathered to see your day in the spotlight. It's a great moment!! I was blessed to receive the award in 2015. I remember the day I received the call that I had been selected as a recipient. I was out shopping for a gown for the Fayetteville Urban Ministry event at the botanical gardens. It was a shock because I had only been in business for 2 years at the time....but it was also a moment to reflect and be thankful for the opportunity that my grandmother afforded me after her passing. 

I had lots of support on my big mom and step dad came and they were absolutely stunning in their black and purple. My aunt Dana and some of my closest friends. Mama Copeland whose one of my grandmothers best friends and one of the reasons I can do what I do today. I had my best friend drive 8 hours to come see me. That was probably the biggest surprise of the night. I worried about my hair...I worried about my dress....I worried that I wasn't worthy of the award and then it dawned on me....

I was worth it. I worked my butt off and I needed to savor the moment. That's what every recipient should do....savor the moment....they gave it to you! Grab it by the horns and ride that bull out into the sunset! While you are at it grab a glass and make a cocktail. 

In the Puerto Rican Culture its custom to have a drink and celebrate the moment...Let's do just that...

1st up an ode to the bestie for the highway riding....

Grand Marnier Mimosa:

Orange Juice


Grand Marnier

Simple and Delicious

Next up........

Puerto Rican Mojito!!! Oh Yeah!!! Daddy Joey I know you will like this one!

This drink is so fresh and smooth!

Don Q Puerto Rican Rum

Simple Syrup



Ginger Ale

To make the simple syrup you need to boil 1 cup of water with 1 cup of sugar and let it boil until sugar dissolves.

Next you want to press your limes and mint together.

You want to press until you smell the mint strongly. Don't mash until it's puréed!

Mix everything together.

1 shot simple syrup

2 shots run

3 shot ginger ale

1 shot lime juice

Now on to the next one on to next one......:)

Blackberry Johnnie Walker

Montalvo Family....I know I know.....johnnie walker is not supposed to be disturbed with anything else but coke.....but please give this a try you will really like it....

1/2 cup Johnnie Walker

1/2 cup Ginger Ale

4-5 Blackberries

Divine! The blackberries soak up the juice and it's a great bite once you finish drinking your cocktail. Yum!

Last but not least......

Johnny Appleseed Peach Vodkatini

1/2 Apple diced

1/3 cup Peach Juice

1/3 cup Sprite

2 shots Vodka

This drink is refreshing and it is a perfect celebration reflection night cap.

Again, my 40 under 40 recipients.....Savor the moment! Enjoy your weekend. Let the haters hate! Be you! Be great! Be amazing!

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