The Traveling Legacy-Key West
How can an island this small be so mind blowing and beautiful? God's hand and creativity is so evident in this place. Every inch is filled with a sprinkle of beauty here and a sprinkle of God's happy juice there. The locals are simply the best. Every where we go we are offered a smile and suggestions on where we should eat and play.

We met a vibrant and vivacious couple at a local restaurant who talked to my mom and I for about an hour. The wife owns a consignment shoppe on Duval Street and the husband is a retired lawyer. The story on how the 70 year old couple managed to leave their fast pace life in the city to move to Key West is very familiar to others that we have talked to.........They just TOOK the plunge. The trip they took in the begining was a undercover op to sneak up on her sisters honeymoon. She fell in love with the island unexpectantly and they packed their stuff and moved here soon after. There are so many stories and jokes about Key West being a free spirits dream, I believe them. Being weird and quirky is encouraged. If you have a hidden talent or your weirdism is hid behind a suit and tie waiting to escape....Key West is the perfect place for you to vacation.

There are sooooooo many things to do and see. We are renting bikes in the morning and I can't wait to show you all pics of us managing 4 children through the downtown streets of Key West. We saw a lot of people doing it yesterday so we aren't ones to shy from a challenge. We got this.....Stay tuned.